====== cariya ====== ===== cariya / cariyā ===== //substantif// (neutre) : **conduite**, **comportement**, **pratique**, style de vie, état de... * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a/-ā]] * étymologie : [[carati|carati]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **cariya** (nt.) & **cariyā** (f.) [from car, carati] (mostly --°) conduct,behaviour,state of,life of.Three cariyās at Ps.I,79; six at Vism.101; eight at Ps.II,19 sq.,225 & four sets of eight in detail at Nd2 237b.Very freq.in dhamma° & brahma°,a good walk of life,proper conduct,chastity -- eka° living alone Sn.820; unchā° begging J.II,272; III,37; bhikkhā° a life of begging Sn.700; nagga° nakedness Dh.141.-- See also carati 2b.In cpds.cariyā°. --piṭaka the last book in the Khuddaka-nikāya; --manussa a spy,an outpost J.III,361 (v.l.cārika°). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **caryā** [f. caryā] f. marche, voyage, moyen de locomotion | conduite, occupation; pratique, observance (de ); not. observance de règles monastiques et de rites religieux | office, service, ministère.