====== carati ====== ===== carati ===== //verbe// : **aller**, marcher, parcourir, suivre ; **s'exercer à**, se comporter, s'occuper de, pratiquer * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //car// ; gr. //κολος// ; lat. //curro//, //carrus// ; fr. //char// ; ang. //car//. =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **carati** [Vedic carati, *qṷel to move, turn, turn round (cp. kaṇṭha & kula)=Lat. colo (incolo), Gr. pe/lomai, po/los (also ai)po/los goat -- herd & bouko/los cowherd=gocara); also P. cakka, q. v. A doublet of car is cal, see calati Dhtp 243 expld car by "gati -- bhakkhanesu"] to move about, to "live and move," to behave, to be. -- Imper. act. **cara** (J i.152), **carā** (metri causa, J iii.393); <-> imper. med. **carassu** (Sn 696), pl. **carāmase** (=exhortative, Sn 32); -- ppr. **caranto** (J i.152; PvA 14) & **caraṃ** (Sn 151; Dh 61, 305; It 117); med. **caramāna** (Vin i.83; Pv i.1010; PvA 160); -- pot. **careyya** (Sn 45, 386, 1065; Dh 142, 328) & **care** (Sn 35; Dh 49, 168, 329; It 120); -- fut. **carissati** (M i.428); -- aor. sg. 1st **acariṃ** (S iii.29), **acārisaṃ** (Pv iii.95), 3rd **acari** (Sn 344), **acāri** (Sn 354; Dh 326); **cari** (J ii.133). -- pl. 3rd **acariṃsu** (Sn 809), **acārisuṃ** (Sn 284); **cariṃsu** (Sn 289), **acaruṃ** (Sn 289), **acāruṃ** (J vi.114); -- inf. **carituṃ** (caritu -- kāma J ii.103); -- ger. **caritvā** (J i.50) & **caritvāna** (Sn 816); -- pp. **ciṇṇa** (q. v.) -- Caus. **cāreti** (=Denom. of cara), pp. **carita**. 2nd caus. **carāpeti** (q. v.). -- See also cara, caraṇa, cariyā, cāraka, cārikā, cārin. Meaning: 1. Lit. (a) to move about, to walk, travel, etc.; almost synon. with gacchati in contrast to tiṭṭhati to stand still; cp. phrase carañ vā yadi vā tiṭṭhaŋ nisinno udāhu sayaŋ It 117 (walking, standing, sitting, reclining; the four iriyāpathā); care tiṭṭhe acche saye It 120; tiṭṭhaŋ caraŋ nisinno vā sayāno vā Sn 151. <-> Defined as "catūhi iriyāpathehi vicarati" (i. e. more generally applied as "behaviour," irrespective of position) DhA ii.36. Expl. constantly by series viharati iriyati vattati pāleti yapeti yāpeti Nd2 237. -- carāmi loke I move about (=I live) in the world Sn 25, 455; agiho c. I lead a homeless life Sn 456, 464; eko c. he keeps to himself Sn 35, 956; Dh 305, 329; sato c. he is mindful Sn 1054, 1085; gocaraŋ gaṇhanto c. to walk about grazing (see below) J iii.275; gavesanto c. to look for J i.61. -- (b) With definition of a purpose: piṇḍāya c. to go for alms (gāmaŋ to the village) Sn 386; bhikkhāya c. id. J iii.82. -- With acc. (in etymol. constr.) to undertake, set out for, undergo, or simply to perform, to do. Either with c. cārikaŋ to wander about, to travel: Vin i.83; S i.305 (applied: "walk ye a walk"); Sn 92; Dh 326; PvA 14 (janapada -- cārikaŋ), 160 (pabbata -- c˚ wandering over the mountains); or with cāraŋ: piṇḍa -- c.˚ carati to perform the begging -- round Sn 414; or with caritaŋ: duccaritaŋ c. to lead a bad life Sn 665 (see carita). Also with acc. of similar meaning, as esanaŋ c. to beg Th 1, 123; vadhaŋ c. to kill Th 1, 138; dukkhaŋ c. to undergo pain S i.210. <-> (c) In pregnant sense: to go out for food, to graze (as gocaraŋ c. to pasture, see gocara). Appl. to cows: caranti gāvo Sn 20; J iii.479; or to the bhikkhu: Pv i.1010 (bh. caramāno=bhikkhāya c. PvA 51); Sn 386 (vikāle na c. buddhā: the Buddhas do not graze at the wrong time). -- 2. Appld meaning: (a) abs. to behave, conduct oneself Sn 1080; J vi.114; Miln 25 (kāmesu micchā c. to commit immorality). -- (b) with obj. to practise, exercise, lead a life: brahmacariyaŋ c. to lead a life of purity Vin i.17; Sn 289, 566, 1128; dhammañ c. to walk in righteousness J i.152; sucaritaŋ c. to act rightly, duccaritaŋ c. to act perversely S i.94; Dh 231. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **car** v. [1] pr. (//carati//) pr. md. (//carate//) pft. (//cacāra//) aor. [5] (//acārīt//) aor. [3] (//acīcarat//) pp. (//carita//, //cīrṇa//) ppr. (//carat//) pf. aller, marcher, déambuler ; paître | parcourir, suivre (un chemin); vivre | se mettre à, se livrer à, s'occuper de, exercer | accomplir, commettre, faire ; agir | amener qqn. à — ca. (//cārayati//) faire mouvoir, faire pratiquer | faire reconnaître par un espion — ca. md. (//cārayate//) réfléchir, hésiter, avoir des doutes sur ||