====== bujjhati ====== ===== bujjhati ===== //verbe// : **s'éveiller** (voix moyenne) ; percevoir, **connaître**, comprendre (voix active, + accusatif) * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : budh + ya ==== formes ==== * **aoriste** : abujjhi / bujjhi * **futur** : bujjhissati * **potentiel** : bujjheyya * **absolutif** : bujhitvā * **causatif** : bodheti / bujjhāpeti * **impératif** : bujjhassu * **participe passé** : buddha * **participe présent** : bujhanta / bujjhamāna * **infinitif** : bodhuṃ ; boddhuṃ =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **bujjhati** [budh,y- formation,corresp.to Sk.//budhyate// for the usual //bodhate//.The sense is that of a Med.,but is also used as Act.with Acc.of object,e.g.//saccāni bujjhi// "he recognised the truths" Vism.209.-- The Dhtp (414) and Dhtm (652) explain budh by “avagamane" (understanding,see ogamana),Dhtm (242) also by “bodhane" (awakening).Bdhgh’s expln of the meaning is “kilesa-santāna-niddāya uṭṭhahati cattāri vā ariyasaccāni paṭivijjhati Nibbānam eva vā sacchikaroti" DhsA.217,cp.trsln at Expos.294 “to rise from the slumber of the continuum of the lower nature,or a penetrating the Ariyan Truths,or a realizing Nibbāna"] to be awake,to be enlightened in (Acc.),to perceive,to know,recognise,understand D.II,249; S.I,74,198; Dh.136,286; Th.1,146; J.III,331; IV,49,425; Miln.165,348 (pot. **bujjheyya**); Dpvs.I,14 (with Gen.) KhA 219 (so attho sukhaṁ b.).3rd pl. **bujjhare** Th.2,453; Bu II.183.imper. **bujjhassu** Bu II.183.‹-› fut. **bujjhissati** Bu II.65; aor. **abujjhi** Bu II.211,and **bujjhi** J.IV,425; Vism.209; pret.3rd sg. **abujjhatha** Bu VII.22.-- ppr. **bujjhamāna** Sn.395; Bu VII.22; DhA.I,93.-- pp. **buddha** (q.v.).-- Caus.I. **bodheti** (q.v.).-- Caus.II. **bujjhāpeti** to lead to knowledge or recognition J.I,407.Two infinitives formed fr.//bodh//,but belonging to budh are **bodhuṃ** J.V,341,and **boddhuṃ** Th.1,167. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **budh** (1) v. [1] pr. (bodhati) v. [4] pr. md. (budhyate) pft. (bubodha) aor. md. [4] (abuddha) pp. (buddha) inf. (boddhum) abs. (buddhvā, -budhya) pf. (anu, ava, ut, ni, pra, prati, vi, sam) s'éveiller, réveiller, veiller | apprendre, découvrir, percevoir, s'apercevoir; savoir, comprendre | observer, penser, réfléchir à — ca. (bodhayati) pfp. (bodhayitavya) abs. (bodhayitvā) attirer l'attention; éveiller; réveiller, ranimer, exciter | faire comprendre, rappeler, révéler; aviser, informer, conseiller; instruire — int. (bobhudhīti) réfléchir intensément — dés. (bubhutsati) dés. md. (bubhutsate) vouloir comprendre — dés. (bubhodhiṣati) dés. md. (bubhodiṣate) id. || ang. //to bid//; all. //bieten//.\\ **budh** (2) [agt. budh_1] ifc. a. m. n. f. qui s'éveille | qui comprend; versé en | intelligent, éclairé, sage en.