====== brahma ====== ===== brahma / brahmā / brahman ===== //substantif// (neutre) : **//brahman//** (en composition : //brahma-//), état équivalent à celui du dieu Brahmā\\ //substantif// (masculin) : **//brahma/brahmā//** : le dieu **Brahmā** ou les divinités habitant les cieux de Brahmā\\ //adjectif// : **brahmanique**, **saint**, pieux, continent (//brahmacariya// : "vie sainte", "abstinence sexuelle") * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -an]] (voir ci-dessous) * étymologie : skt. //bṛh// == déclinaison == | ^singulier^pluriel^ ^nominatif|brahmā|brahmāno| ^vocatif|brahme|:::| ^accusatif|brahmānaṃ|:::| ^instrumental|brahmunā|brahmehi| ^ablatif|:::|:::| ^datif|brahmuno|brahmānaṃ| ^génitif|:::|:::| ^locatif|brahmani|brahmesu| =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== Brahma,& Brahmā [fr.bṛh,see brahant.Perhaps less with regard to the greatness of the divine principle,than with ref.to the greatness or power of prayer or the ecstatic mind (i.e.holy enthusiasm).On etym.see Osthoff,“Bezzenberger’s Beiträge" XXIV.142 sq.(=Mir.bricht charm,spell:Oicel.bragr poetry)] \\ **I.Brahman (nt.)** [cp.Vedic bráhman nt.prayer; Nom.sg.bráhma] 1.the supreme good; as a buddhistic term used in a sense different from the brahmanic (save in controversy with Brahmans); a state like that of Brahmā (or Brahman) A.II,184 (brahmappatta).In cpds.brahma°.-- 2.Vedic text,mystic formula,prayer DA.I,244 (brahmaṁ aṇatī ti brāhmaṇo). \\ **II.Brahmā** [cp.Vedic brahmán,m.,one who prays or chants hymns,Nom.sg.Brahmā] 1.the god Brahmā chief of the gods,often represented as the creator of the Universe (vasavattī issaro kattā nimmātā) D.I,18; III,30,also called Mahābrahmā (D.I,235 sq.,244 sq.; III,30; It.15; Vism.578; DhA.II,60); and Sahampati (Vin.I,5; D.II,157; S.I,136 sq.; Vism.201; KhA 171; SnA 56) and Sanaṁkumāra (D.II,226; III,97).The duration of his life is given as being 1 kalpa (see Kvu 207,208).-- Nom.Brahmā Vin.I,5; D.II,46; J.VI,486; Miln.224; Vism.2 (brahmānaṁ atibrahmā,Ep.of Buddha Bhagavā); SnA 229 (B.mahānubhāvo); Gen.Abl.Brahmano D.II,209; Vism.205; SnA 177; Instr.Brahmanā D.I,252; II,239; Dh.105,230; Vism.48,405; DhA.II,60; Acc.Brahmānaṁ D.II,37; Voc.Brahme S.I,138.-- 2.a brahma god,a happy & blameless celestial being,an inhabitant of the higher heavens (brahma-loka; in which to be reborn is a reward of great merit); Nom.sg.brahmā S.I,142 (Baka br.); M.I,327 (id.); A.IV,83; PvA.138 (°devatā for brahma°?); Gen.Abl.brahmuno S.I,142,155; Instr.brahmunā D.III,147,150 & brahmanā PvA.98; Voc.sg.brahme M.I,328.pl.Nom.brahmāno Miln.13,18 (where J.VI,486 has Mahā-brahmā in id.p.); DhsA.195; Gen.brahmānaṁ Vism.2; Mhbv 151.--paccekabrahmā a br.by himself S.I,149 (of the name of Tudu; cp.paccekabuddha).--sabrahmaka (adj.) including the brahma gods D.I,62; A.II,70; Vin.I,11; DA.I,174. \\ **III,brahma** (adj.-n.) [cp.brahmā II.2; Vedic brahma° & Sk.brāhma] 1.holy,pious,brahmanic; (m.) a holy person,a brahmin (adj.) J.II,14 (br.vaṇṇa=seṭṭha vaṇṇa C.); KhA 151 (brahma-cariyaṁ= brahmaṁ cariyaṁ).-- (m.) Acc.brahmaṁ Sn.285; Voc.brahme (frequent) Sn.1065 (=brahmā ti seṭṭhavacanaṁ SnA 592); J.II,346; IV,288; VI,524,532; Pv.I,129 (=brāhmaṇa PvA.66).-- 2.divine,as incorporating the highest & best qualities,sublime,ideal,best,very great (see esp.in cpds.),A.I,132 (brahmā ti mātāpitaro etc.),182; IV,76.-- 3.holy,sacred,divinely inspired (of the rites,charms,hymns etc.) D.I,96 (brahme mante adhiyitvā); Pv.II,613 (mantaṁ brahmacintitaṁ) =brāhmaṇānaṁ atthāya brahmaṇā cintitaṁ) PvA.97,98).-- Note.The compn form of all specified bases (I.II.III,) is brahma°,and with regard to meaning it is often not to be decided to which of the 3 categories the cpd.in question belongs. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **bṛh** [relié à vṛdh_1] v. [1] pr. (bṛṃhati) pr. md. (bṛṃhate) pp. (bṛṃhita, bṛḍha) v. [6] pr. (bṛhati) ppr. (bṛhat) pf. (upa, pari) augmenter, grossir; croître, grandir; devenir fort; s'étendre — ca. (bṛṃhayati) var. vṛṃhayati augmenter, faire grossir; faire croître, agrandir; fortifier.