====== bhava ====== ===== bhava ===== //substantif// (masculin) : littéralement // qui devient// ; **renaissance**, état / forme d'existence * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[bhavati|bhavati]] ===== bhāva ===== //substantif// (masculin) : **nature**, état, le fait d'être (devenu), condition, forme de devenir ou d'existence * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[bhavati|bhavati]] * commentaire : emploi rare en terme isolé, sert surtout en postposition comme une abstraction du 1er terme ; exemples : //nānā-bhāva//, le fait d'être divers/différent, //vinā-bhāva//, le fait d'être séparé. =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **bhava** [cp.Sk.bhava,as philosophical term late,but as N.of a deity Vedic; of bhū,see bhavati] “becoming," (form of) rebirth,(state of) existence,a “life." There are 3 states of existence conventionally enumd as kāma°, rūpa°, arūpa° or sensual existence,deva-corporeal,& formless existence (cp.rūpa) D.II,57; III,216; S.II,3; IV,258; A.II,223; III,444; Nd1 48; Nd2 s.v.dhātu B.; Vism.210=DA.I,34; Vism.529; VbhA.204.-- Another view is represented by the division of bhava into kamma° and upapatti° (uppatti°),or the active functioning of a life in relation to the fruitional,or resultant way of the next life (cp.Cpd.43) Vbh.137; Vism.571; VbhA.183; also in def.of bhava at Nd2 471 (kamma° and paṭisandhika punabbhava).-- In the “causal chain" (Paṭicca-samuppāda,q.v.) bhava is represented as condition of birth (jāti),or resultant force for new birth.-- See Sn.361,514,742,839,923,1055,1133; Dh.348; Nd1 274; Vbh.294,358; Vism.556 sq.; DhA.IV,221; Sdhp.33,333,335.-- On itibhav’‹-› âbhava see iti,and add ref.Vbh.375.-- A remarkable use of bhava as nt.(obstr.) to bhū (in cpd.) is to be noted in the def.given by Bdhgh.of divya=divi bhavaṁ (for divi-bhū) KhA 227; SnA 199; and mānasaṁ=manasi bhavaṁ (for manasi-bhū) KhA 248,cp.Pāṇini IV.3,53.Similarly āroga bhava health DhA.I,328 for °bhava.-- Cp.anu°,vi°,sam°. --agga the best (state of) existence,the highest point of existence (among the gods) J.III,84; Vbh.426; Miln.132; KhA 179,249; SnA 17,41,507; often as highest “heaven" as opposed to Avīci,the lowest hell; thus at J.IV,182; VI,354; Miln.336.--aṅga constituent of becoming,function of being,functional state of subconsciousness,i.e.subliminal consciousness or subconscious life-continuum,the vital continuum in the absence of any process [of mind,or attention] (thus Mrs.Rh.D.in Expos.185 n.),subconscious individual life.See on term Cpd.26 sq.,265--267; & cp.Dhs.trsl.134.-- J.VI,82; Miln.299 sq.; Vism.164,676; DhsA.72,140,269; DhA.I,23; VbhA.81,156 sq.,406.--antaga “gone to the ends of existence," past existence,Ep.of the Bhagavan Buddha Vism.210.--antara an existence interval,i.e.transition fr.one life to another,a previous or subsequent life Vism.553 sq.--âbhava this or that life,any form of existence some sort of existence Sn.1060,1068; Nd1 48,109,284; Nd2 472,664 A; Th.1,784 (ThA.mahantāmahanta bh.) ThA.71 (Ap.v.30); VbhA.501.--āsava the intoxicant of existence D.III,216; Vbh.364,373.--uppatti coming into (a new) ex.-- Four such bh.-uppattis lead to rebirth among the foll.gods:the paritt’--ābhā devā,the appamāṇ’ābhā d.,the saṁkiliṭṭh’--ābhā d.,the parisuddh’--ābhā d.M.III,147.--esanā longing for rebirth D.III,216,270.--ogha the flood of rebirth (see ogha) Nd1 57,159; Vism.480.--cakka the wheel or round of rebirth,equivalent to the Paṭicca-samuppāda Vism.529,576 sq.; in the same context at VbhA.138,194 sq.--carimakā the last rebirth Vism.291.--taṇhā craving for rebirth D.III,212,216,274; S.V,432; Sn.746; Vbh.101,358,365; Th.2,458; ThA.282; VbhA.III,133.--netti [cp.BSk.bhava-netrī M.Vastu II.307; °netrika III,337] leader to renewed ex.,guide to ex.Vin.I,231; It.38; Dhs.1059≈ (cp.DhsA.364=bhava-rajju).--saṁyojana the fetter of rebirth:see arahant II.C.--salla the sting or dart of rebirth Dh.351 (=sabbāni bhavagāmīni sallāni DhA.IV,70).--sāta (pl.sātāni) the pleasures of ex.,variously enumd in sets of from one to six at Nd1 30.--ssita at J.V,371 read with v.l.as ghaṭa-ssita.\\ \\ **bhāva** [fr.bhū, cp.Vedic bhāva] 1.being,becoming,condition,nature; very rarely by itself (only in later & C.literature,as e.g.J.I,295 thīnaṁ bhāvo,perhaps best to be translated as “women’s character," taking bhāva=attabhāva); usually --°,denoting state or condition of,and representing an abstr.der.from the first part of the cpd.e.g.gadrabha° “asininity" J.II,109.Thus in connection with (a) adjectives:atthika° state of need PvA.120; ūna° depletion SnA 463; ekī° loneliness Vism.34; sithill° (for sithila° in conn.with kṛ & bhū) relaxation Vism.502.-- (b) adverbs.upari° high condition M.I,45; pātu° appearance Sn.560; vinā° difference Sn.588.(c) nouns & noun-derivations:atta° individual state,life,character Sn.388 (=citta SnA 374); asaraṇa° state of not remembering DhA.III,121; samaṇa° condition of a recluse Sn.551.-- (d) forms of verbs:nibbatta° fact of being reborn DhA.III,121; magg’ārūḷha° the condition of having started on one’s way VvA.64; baddha° that he was bound; suhita° that they were well J.IV,279.The translation can give either a full sentence with “that it was" etc.(VvA.64:“that he had started on his way"),or a phrase like “the fact or state of," or use as an English abstract noun ending in --ness (atthika-bhāva needfulness,eki° loneliness),--ion (ūna° depletion,pātu° manifestation).--hood (atta° selfhood),or --ship (samaṇa° recluseship).‹-› Similarly in Com.style:sampayutta-bhāvo (m.) DhA.III,94,for *sampayuttattaṁ (abstr.); bhākuṭikassa bhāvo=bhakuṭiyaṁ Vism.26; sovacassassa bhāvo= sovacassatā KhA 148; mittassa bh.=mettaṁ KhA 248.Here sometimes bhava for bhāva.-- 2.(in pregnant,specifically Buddhistic sense) cultivation or production by thought,mental condition,esp.a set mental condition (see der.bhāvanā).Sometimes (restricted to Vin & J) in sense “thinking of someone," i.e.affection,love,sentiment.-- (a) in combn khanti, diṭṭhi, ruci, bhāva at Vin.II,205; III,93; IV,3,4.-- (b) in Jātaka passages:J.V,237; VI,293 (bhāvaṁ karoti,with Loc.,to love).--abhāva (late,only in C.style) not being,absence,want PvA.25; Abl.abhāvato through not being,in want of PvA.9,17.--sabhāva (sva+bhāva) see sep. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **bhava** [agt. bhū_1] m. existence, état; origine, naissance; prospérité, excellence | obtention, acquisition | le monde, la vie ici-bas | phil. qualité du sentiment exprimé par l'artiste et ressenti par le spectateur de l'œuvre artistique, l'un des 6 canons esthétiques des arts plastiques [ṣaḍaṅgaśilpa] | bd. continuité de l'existence \\ \\ **bhāva** [act. bhū_1] m. existence, présence; mode d'être; état, condition | état d'esprit; disposition; tempérament | situation; devenir; transition vers, transformation en | caractère, nature, essence; réalité; vérité | comportement, conduite | disposition psychologique, sentiment; pensée, intention | émotion, cœur; penchant, affection, amour | bd. l'instinct de survie et la copulation, 10e cause de souffrance [pratītyasamutpāda] | gram. résultat du procès lié à un verbe | astr. aspect d'une planète | astr. np. de Bhāva «Affectueux», qui personnalise l'an 8 d'un cycle de vie [saṃvatsara] | phil. [nyāya] relation discriminante (ex. pitṛputrabhāva) — ifc. état de (ex. bālabhāva jeunesse).