====== bandhati ====== ===== bandhati ===== //verbe// : **lier**, attacher, combiner, associer, unir ; **s'appliquer à**, choisir, **arranger**, préparer, composer ; **acquérir**, obtenir * au causatif (//bandhāpeti//) : faire en sorte d'être lié/enchaîné * au sens passif : **être emprisonné**, attrapé (dans un piège) ; encourir une punition ; **être captivé par**, frappé par, sous l'emprise de [suivi de l'instrumental ou du locatif] * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. //bandh// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **bandhati** [Vedic badhnāti,later Sk.bandhati,Idg.*bhendh,cp.Lat.offendimentum i.e.band; Goth.bindan=Ohg,bintan,E.bind; Sk.bandhu relation; Gr.//penqerόs// father-in-law,//peίsma// bond,etc.] to bind etc.-- 1.Forms:Imper.**bandha** D.II,350; pl.**bandhantu** J.I,153.Pot.**bandheyya** S.IV,198; Vin.III,45; Fut.**bandhayissati** Mhvs 24.6; Aor.**abandhi** J.III,232,& **bandhi** J.I,292; DhA.I,182.Ger.**bandhitvā** Vin.I,46; S.IV,200; J.I,253,428,& **bandhiya** Th.2,81.Inf.**bandhituṁ** Th.2,299.Caus.**bandheti** (see above Fut.) & **bandhāpeti** (see below).-- \\ \\ II.Meanings-1.to bind S.IV,200 (rajjuyā).fig.combine,unite DhA.II,189 (gharāvāsena b.to give in marriage).-- 2.to tie on,bind or put on to (Loc.) DhA.I,182 (dasante).fig.to apply to,put to,settle on DhA.II,12 (mānasaṁ paradāre).-- 3.to fix,prepare,get up,put together J.IV,290 (ukkā); also in phrase cakk’âticakkaṁ mañc’âtimañcaṁ b.to put wheels upon wheels & couches upon couches J.II,331.IV.81; DhA.IV,61.fig.to start,undertake,begin,make,in phrases āghātaṁ b.to bear malice DhA.II,21; and veraṁ b.to make enmity against (Loc.) J.II,353.-- 4.to acquire,get J.III,232 (atthaṁ b.= nibbatteti C.).-- 5.to compose Miln.272 (suttaṁ); J.II,33; V,39.-- \\ \\ Caus.II.**bandhāpeti** to cause to be bound (or fettered) Vin.IV,224,316 (opp.mocāpeti); Nd2 304III,B (bandhanena); PvA.4,113.-- Pass.**bajjhati** Nd2 74 (for bujjhati,as in palābujjhati to be obstructed:see palibuddhati).I.Forms Ind.3rd pl.**bajjhare** Th.1,137; pret.3rd pl.**abajjhare** J.I,428.Imper.**bajjhantu** S.IV,309; A.V,284.Pot.**bajjheyya** S.II,228.Aor.bajjhi J.II,37; IV,414.Ger.**bajjha** J.IV,441,498,& **bajjhitvā** J.II,153; IV,259; V,442.‹-› \\ \\ II.Meanings.-1.to be bound,to be imprisoned Sn.508 (cp.SnA 418); J.IV,278.-- 2.to be caught (in a sling or trap) J.III,330; IV,414.-- 3.to incur a penalty (with Loc.,e.g.bahudaṇḍe) J.IV,116.-- 4.to be captivated by,struck or taken by,either with Loc.J.I,368 (bajjhitvā & bandhitvā in Pass.sense); V,465; or with Instr.J.I,428; IV,259.-- pp.**baddha** (q.v.).-- Cp.ati°,anu°,ā,o°,paṭi°,sam°. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **bandh** v. [9] pr. (badhnāti) pr. md. (badhnīte) pp. (baddha) pfp. (bandhya) abs. (baddhvā, -badhya) inf. (banddhum) pf. (anu, ā, ni, nis, pra, prati, vi, sam) lier, attacher | entraver, enchaîner | nouer, joindre, grouper, composer | capturer, saisir; captiver; punir — ca. (bandhayati) faire lier; faire saisir — ps. (badhyate) être lié, être attaché, être entravé || ang. //band//, //to bind// ; all. //binden// ; fr. //bande//.