====== arahant ====== ===== araha (arahat) / arahant ===== //adjectif//, //substantif// (masculin / féminin ?) : **méritant** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -nt]] ; voir ci-dessous * étymologie : participe présent du verbe [[arahati|arahati]] == déclinaison == | ^singulier^pluriel^ ^nominatif|arahaṃ / arahā|arahanto / arahantā (fém. arahantiyo)| ^vocatif|---|:::| ^accusatif|arahantaṃ|arahante| ^instrumental|arahatā / arahantena|arahantehi| ^ablatif|:::|:::| ^datif|arahato / arahantassa|arahataṃ / arahantānaṃ| ^génitif|:::|:::| ^locatif|arahante / arahantamhi / arahati|arahantesu| =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **arahant** (adj. -- n.) [Vedic //arhant//, ppr. of //arhati// (see //arahati//), meaning deserving, worthy]. Before Buddhism used as honorific title of high officials like the English ʻ His Worship ʼ; at the rise of Buddhism applied popularly to all ascetics (Dial. iii.3 -- 6). Adopted by the Buddhisṭs as t. t. for one who has attained the Summum Bonum of religious aspiration (//Nibbāna//). I. Cases nom. sg. **arahaṃ** Vin i.9; D i.49; M i.245, 280; S i.169; see also formula C. under ii., & **arahā** Vin i.8, 25, 26; ii.110, 161; D iii.255; It 95; Kh iv.; gen. **arahato** S iv.175; Sn 590; instr. **arahatā** S iii.168; DA i.43; acc. **arahantaṃ** D iii.10; Dh 420; Sn 644; Loc. **arahantamhi** Vv 212. -- nom. pl. **arahanto** Vin i.19; iv.112; S i.78, 235; ii.220; iv.123; gen. **arahataṃ** Vin iii.1; S i.214; Sn 186; It 112; Pv i.1112. Other cases are of rare occurrence. II. Formulae. Arahantship finds its expression in freq. occurring formulae, of which the standard ones are the foll.: A. //khīṇā jāti vusitaṃ brahmacariyaṃ kataṃ karaṇīyaṃ nâparaṃ itthattāya// "destroyed is (re -- ) birth, lived is a chaste life, (of a student) done is what had to be done, after this present life there is no beyond". Vin i.14, 35, 183; D i.84, 177, 203; M i.139; ii.39; S i. 140; ii.51, 82, 95, 120, 245; iii.21, 45, 55, 68, 71, 90, 94, 195, 223; iv.2, 20, 35, 45, 86, 107, 151, 383; v.72, 90, 144, 222; A i.165; ii.211; iii.93; iv.88, 179, 302; v.155, 162; Sn p. 16; Pug 61, etc. -- B. //eko vūpakaṭṭho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto// ʻ alone, secluded, earnest, zealous, master of himself ʼ D i.177; ii.153 & continued with A: S i.140, 161; ii.21; iii.36, 74; iv.64; v.144, 166; A i.282; ii.249; iii.70, 217, 301, 376; iv. 235. -- C. //arahaṃ khīṇāsavo vusitavā katakaraṇīyo ohitabhāro anupatta// -- //sadattho parikkhīṇa -- bhava -- saññojano sammad -- aññā vimutto//: D iii.83, 97; M i.4, 235; S i.71; iii.161, 193; iv.125; v.145, 205, 273, 302; A i.144; iii.359, 376; iv.362, 369, 371 sq., It 38. <-> D. //ñāṇañ ca pana me dassanaṃ udapādi akuppā me ceto// -- //vimutti ayaṃ antimā jāti natthi dāni punabbhavo// "there arose in me insight, the emancipation of my heart became unshake able, this is my last birth, there is now no rebirth for me: S ii.171; iii.28; iv.8; v.204; A i.259; iv.56, 305, 448. III. Other passages (selected) Vin i.8 (//arahā sītibhūto nibbuto//), 9 (//arahaṃ Tathāgato Sammāsambuddho//), 19 (//ekādasa loke arahanto//), 20 (//ekasaṭṭhi// id.). 25 sq.; ii. 110, 161; iii.1; iv.112 (//te arahanto udake kīḷanti//); D i.49 (//Bhagavā arahaṃ//), 144; iii.10, 255: M i.245 (//Gotamo na pi kālaṃ karoti: arahaṃ samaṇo Gotamo//), 280; S i.9, 26, 50 (//Tathāgato//), 78, 140, 161, 169, 175, 178 (+ //sītibhūta//), 208, 214, 235 (//khīnāsavā arahanto//); iii. 160 (//arahā tissa//?), 168; iv.123, 175, 260, 393; v.159 sq., 164, 200 sq.; A i.22 (//Sammāsambuddho//), 27, 109, 266; iī.134; iii.376, 391, 439; iv.364, 394; v.120; Sn 186, 590, 644, 1003; It 95 (+ //khīṇāsava//), 112; Kh iv. (//dasahi angehi samannāgato arahā ti vuccati//: see KhA 88); Vv 212; i.217; Dh 164, 420 (//khīṇāsava// +); Ps ii.3, 19, 194, 203 sq.; Pug 37, 73; Vbh 324, 336, 422; Pv i.11 (//khettûpamā arahanto//), 1112; iv.132. IV. In compn. & der. we find two bases, viz. (1) arahanta˚ in ˚ghāta the killing or murder of an Arahant (considered as one of the six deadly crimes): see abhiṭhāna; ˚ghātaka the murderer of the A.: Vin i.89, 136, 168, 320; ˚magga (arahatta˚?) the path of an A.: D ii 144. -- (2) arahat˚ in (arahad -- )dhaja the flag or banner of an A.: J i.65. V. See further details & passages under anāgāmin, khīṇa, buddha. On the relationship of Buddha and Arahant see Dial. ii.1 -- 3; iii.6. For riddles or word -- play on the form arahant see M i.280; A iv.145; DA i.146 = VvA 105, 6 = PvA 7; DhA iv.228; DhsA 349. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **arhat** [ppr. arh] a. m. n. f. //arhantī// méritant, bon ; digne, honorable, respectable — m. bd. vénérable, saint