====== api ====== ===== api /-pi / app- ===== //adverbe//, //conjonction// ou //particule// (invariable) : **aussi**, de même, **près de**, **et**, et puis, et alors... * fréquemment réduit en **pi** ou, devant voyelle, en **app-** * en composition : **api ca** : de plus, et aussi, en outre, par ailleurs ; **itipi** [//iti//-(//a//)//pi//] : ainsi donc... ; **api ... api** : à la fois ... et, ainsi que ... et ; **appekacce ... appekacce** : quelques-uns ... et d'autres ; **appekadā** : "en outre, une fois" = parfois ; **api ca kho** : de plus, par ailleurs, et pourtant, malgré tout, tout de même ; **api ca kho pana** : tout de même, néanmoins ; **apissu** : tellement (que), tant et si bien (que), de plus... ; **appeva nāma** : sûrement, certainement, je reconnais que..., il semble que..., je présume, peut-être =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **api** (indecl.) [Sk. api & pi; Idg. *epi *pi *opi; cp. Gr. e)/pi on to, o)/pi (o)/piqen behind, o)pi/ssa back = close at one's heels); Lat. ob. in certain functions; Goth. iftuma. <-> The assimil. form before vowels is **app**˚ (= Sk. apy˚). See further details under pi.] both prep. & conj., orig. meaning "close by", then as prep. "towards, to, on to, on" and as adv. "later, and, moreover". -- 1 (prep. & pref.) (a) prep. c. loc.: **api ratte** later on in the night (q. v.) -- (b) pref.: **apidhāna** putting on to; **apiḷahati** bind on to, **apihita** (= Gr. e)piqeto/s, epithet) put on to, (q. v.). -- 2. (conj. & part.). (a) in affirmative sentences meaning primarily "moreover, further, and then, even": -- (a) (single) prothetic: api dibbesu kāmesu even in heavenly joys Dh 187; ko disvā na pasīdeyya api kaṇhâbhijātiko even an unfortunate -- born Sn 563 api yojanāni gacchāma, even for leagues we go Pv iv.107 (= anekāni yojanāni pi g. PvA 270. Epithetic (more freq. in the form **pi**): muhuttam api even a little while Dh 106, 107; aham api daṭṭhukāmo I also wish to see Sn 685. Out of prothetic use (= even = even if) develops the conditional meaning of "if", as in api sakkuṇemu (and then we may = if we may) J v.24 (c. = api nāma sakkuṇeyyāma; see further under b appɔeva nāma). -- **api ... api** in correlation corresponds to Lat. et -- et Sk ca -- ca, meaning both ... and, and ... as well as, & is esp. freq. in combn. **app' ekacce ... app' ekacce** (and) some ... and others, i. e. some ... others [not with Kern Toev. s. v. to **appa**!], e. g. at D i.118; Th 2, 216; VvA 208, etc. -- **app' ekadā** "morever once" = sometimes Vin iv.178; S i.162; iv.111; J i.67; DhA iii.303, etc. -- (b) (in combn with other emphatic or executive particles) **api ca** further, and also, moreover D i.96; Miln 25, 47. -- **api ca kho** moreover, and yet, still, all the same It 89 (+ pana v. l.); Miln 20, 239. -- **api ca kho pana** all the same, never mind, nevertheless J i.253. -- **apissu** so much so Vin ii.76. -- **app' eva nāma** (with pot.) (either) surely, indeed, yes, I reckon, (or) I presume, it is likely that, perhaps Vin i.16 (surely); ii.85 (id.); cp. pi D i.205 (sve pi upasaṃkameyyāma tomorrow I shall surely come along), 226 (siyā thus shall it be); M i.460 = It 89 (moreover, indeed); J i.168 (surely) Vin ii.262 (perhaps) J v.421 (id., piyavācaṃ labheyyāma). -- (b) in interrog. -- dubit. sentences as part. of interrog. (w. indic. or pot.) corresponding to Lat. nonne, i e. awaiting an affirmative answer ("not, not then"): api Yasaŋ kulaputtaŋ passeyya do you not see ... Vin i.16; api samaṇa balivadde addasā have you not then seen . . . S i.115; api kiñci labhāmase shall we then not get anything? J iii.26; api me pitaraṃ passatha do you then not see my father? PvA 38. -- Also combd. with other interr. part. e. g. **api nu** J. ii.415. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **api** conj. cl. et, aussi, encore, également ; même | pourtant, toutefois, quoique, malgré cela | (après num.) exprime la totalité | (après interr.) exprime l'indéfini — prép. interr. (en début de phrase) est-ce que ? | plût au ciel que ! peut-être — pf. sur, près de (qqf. abrégé en **pi**).