====== anna ====== ===== añña ===== //adjectif// ou //pronom// : **autre**, un autre, étranger, différent * **añño aññaṃ**, **aññamaññaṃ**, **aññoññaṃ** : **l'un l'autre**, mutuellement, réciproquement * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **añña** (pron.) [Vedic anya, with compar. suff. ya; Goth. anpar; Ohg. andar; formation with n analagous to those with l in Gr. a)/llos (a)/ljos), Lat. alius (cp. alter), Goth. aljis Ags. elles = E. else. From demonstr. base *eno, see na1 and cp. a3] another etc. -- A. By itself: 1. other, not the same, different, another, somebody else (opp. oneself) Vin iii.144 (aññena, scil. maggena, gacchati to take a different route); Sn 459, 789, 904; Dh 158 (opp. attānaṃ), 165; J i.151 (opp. attano); ii.333 (aññaṃ vyākaroti give a diff. answer). -- 2. another one, a second; nt. else, further Sn 1052 (= uttariṃ nt. Nd2 17); else J i.294. **aññaṃ kiñci** (indef.) anything else J i.151. **yo añño** every other, whoever else J i.256. -- 3. **aññe** (pl.) (the) others, the rest Sn 189, 663, 911; Dh 43, 252, 355; J i.254. B. del. in correlation: 1. copulative. **añña ... añña** the one ... the other (... the third etc.); this, that & the other; some ... some Vin i.15; Miln 40; etc. <-> 2. reciprocative **añño aññaṃ**, **aññamaññaṃ**, **aññoññaṃ** one another, each other, mutually, reciprocally (in ordinary construction & declension of a noun or adj. in sg.; cp. Gr. a)llh/lwn, allh/lous in pl.). (a.) **añño aññaṃ** Dh 165. (b.) **aññamañña** (cp. BSk. añyamañya M Vastu ii.436), as pron.: n'ālaṃ aññamaññassa sukhāya vā dukkhāya vā D i.56 = S iii 211. n'aññamaññassa dukkhaṃ iccheyya do not wish evil to each other Sn 148. daṇḍehi aññamaññaṃ upakkamanti (approach each other) M i.86 = Nd2 199. ˚ṃ agāravo viharati A iii.247. dve janā ˚ṃ ghātayiṃsu (slew each other) J i.254. aññamaññaṃ hasanti J v.111; ˚ṃ musale hantvā J v.267. ˚ṃ daṇḍâbhigāṭena PvA 58; or adj.: aññamaññaṃ veraṃ bandhiṃsu (established mutual enmity) J ii.353; ˚ṃ piyasaṃvāsaṃ vasiṃsu J ii.153; aññamaññaṃ accayaṃ desetvā (their mutual mistake) DhA i.57; or adv. dve pi aññamaññaṃ paṭibaddha citta ahesuṃ (in love with each other) J iii.188; or ˚ -- : aññamañña -- paccaya mutually dependent, interrelated Ps ii.49, 58. <-> (c.) aññoñña (˚ -- ) J v.251 (˚nissita); Dāvs v.45 (˚bhinna). -- 3. disjunctive añña . . añña one . . the other, this one . . . that one, different, different from aññaṃ jīvaṃ . . aññaṃ sarīraṃ one is the soul . . the other is the body, i. e. the soul is different from the body D i.157; M i.430; A v.193; aññā va saññā bhavissati añño attā D i.187. Thus also in phrase **aññena aññaṃ** opposite, the contrary, differently, contradictory (lit. other from that which is other) Vin ii.85 (paṭicarati make counter -- charges); D i.57 (vyākāsi gave the opposite or contradictory reply); Miln 171 (aññaṃ kayiramānaṃ aññena sambharati). <-> **anañña** (1) not another, i. e. the same, self -- same, identical M i.256 (= ayaṃ). -- (2) not anotber, i. e. alone, by oneself, oneself only Sn 65 (˚posin; opp. paraṃ) = Nd 4, cp. Nd2 36. -- (3) not another, i. e. no more, only, alone Sn p. 106 (dve va gatiyo bhavanti anaññā: and no other or no more, only two). =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **anya** pn. m. f. //anyā// n. //anyad// : autre, autre que ; un autre, cet autre-là | étranger ; différent (de ) || lat. //alius// ; ang. //alien// ; fr. //aliéner//. ===== aññā ===== //substantif// (féminin) : **connaissance** parfaite, **connaissance** par excellence * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -ā]] * étymologie : [[a|ā]] + [[nana|ñāṇa]] =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **aññā** (f.) [Sk. ājñā,= ā + jñā,cp. ājānāti] knowledge,recognition,perfect knowledge,philosophic insight,knowledge par excellence,viz. Arahantship,saving knowledge,gnosis (cp. on term Compend. 176 n. 3 and Psalms of Brethren introd. XXXIII,) M.I,445; S.I,4 (sammad°),24 (aññāya nibbuta); II,221; V,69,129 (diṭṭh’eva dhamme),133,237; A.III,82,143,192; V,108; It.39 sq.,53,104; Dh.75,96; Kh VII,11; Miln.334. -- aññaṁ vyākaroti to manifest ones Arahantship (by a discourse or by mere exclamation) Vin.I,183; S.II,51 sq.,120; IV,139; V,222; J.I,140; II,333. See also arahatta. --atthika desirous of higher knowledge Pv IV.114. --ārādhana the attainment of full insight M.I,479. --indriya the faculty of perfect knowledge or of knowledge made perfect D.III,219; S.V,204; It.53; Pug.2; Dhs.362,505,552; Nett 15,54,60. --citta the thought of gnosis,the intention of gaining Arahantship S.II,267; A.III,437. --paṭivedha comprehension of insight Vin.II,238. --vimokkha deliverance by the highest insight Sn.1105,1107 (Nd2 19:vuccati arahatta-vimokkho).