====== anga ====== ===== aṅga ===== //substantif// (neutre) : **partie**, **membre**, subdivision ; caractéristique, attribut, qualité ; intérêt, préoccupation * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : skt. //aṅg// =====Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede===== **aṅga** (nt.) [Vedic aṅga,anc cp. Lat. angulus = angle,corner etc.,ungulus finger-ring = Sk. aṅgulīya. See also aṅka,aṅguṭṭha & aṅgula] \\ (1) (lit.) a constituent part of the body,a limb,member; also of objects:part,member (see cpd. °sambhāra); uttam°aṅga the reproductive organ J.V,197; also as “head” at ThA.209. Usually in cpds. (see below,esp. °paccaṅga),as sabbaṅga-kalyāṇī perfect in all limbs Pv.III,35 (= sobhaṇa-sabbaṅga-paccaṅgī PvA.189) and in redupln. aṅga-m-aṅgāni limb by limb,with all limbs (see also below aṅga + paccaṅga) Vin.III,119; Vv 382 (°ehi naccamāna); Pv.II,1210,13,18 (sunakho te khādati).\\ (2) (fig.) a constituent part of a whole or system or collection,e. g. uposath° the vows of the fast J.I,50; bhavaṅga the constituents or the condition of becoming (see bhava & cp. Cpd. 265 sq.); bojjhaṅga (q. v.). Esp. with numerals:cattāri aṅgāni 4 constituents A.II,79 (viz. sīla,samādhi,paññā. vimutti and rūpa,vedanā,saññā,bhava),aṭṭhaṅgika (q. v.) magga the Path with its eight constituents or the eightfold Path (KhA 85:aṭṭh’aṅgāni assā ti) navaṅga Buddha-sāsana see nava. \\ (3) a constituent part as characteristic,prominent or distinguishing,a mark,attribute,sign,quality D.I,113 sq.,117 (iminā p° aṅgena by this quality,or:in this respect,cp. below 4; DA.I,281 expls tena kāra‹-› ṇena). In a special sense striking (abnormal) sign or mark on the body D.I,9,from which a prophesy is made (:hattha-pādādisu yena kenaci evarūpena aṅgena samannāgato dīghāyu . . hotī ti . . aṅgasatthan = chiromantics DA.I,92). Thus in combn. with samannāgata & sampanna always meaning endowed with “good”,superior,remarkable “qualities”,e. g. J.I,3 (sabbaṅga-sampanna nagaraṁ a city possessing all marks of perfection); II,207. ‹-› In enumn. with var. numerals:tīhi aṅgehi s. A.I,115; cattāri sotapannassa a- D.III,227 = A.IV,405 sq.; pañcaṅga-vippahīno (i. e. giving up the 5 hindrances,see nīvaraṇa) and pañcaṅga-samannāgato (i. e. endowed with the 5 good qualities,viz. the sīla-kkhandha,see kkhandha II.A d) S.I,99 = A.I,161; V,15,29. Similarly the 5 attributes of a brahmin (viz. sujāta of pure birth,ajjhāyaka a student of the Vedas,abhirūpa handsome,sīlava of good conduct,paṇḍita clever) D.I,119,120. Eight qualities of a king D.I,137. Ten qualities of an Arahant (cp. dasa1 B 2) S.III,83; Kh IV.10 = KhA 88; cp. M.I,446 (dasah’aṅgehi samannāgato rañño assājāniyo). \\ (4) (modally) part,share,interest,concern; ajjhattikaṁ aṅgaṁ my own part or interest (opp. bāhiraṁ the interest in the outside world). A.I,16 sq. = S.V,101 sq.; It.9. rañño aṅgaṁ an asset or profit for the king M.I,446. Thus adv. tadaṅga (see also ta° I.a) as a matter of fact,in this respect,for sure,certainly and tadaṅgena by these means,through this,therefore M.I,492; A.IV,411; Sdhp.455,456; iminā p° aṅgena for that reason M.II,168. \\ In compn. with verbs aṅgi° (aṅgī°):angigata having limbs or ports,divided DA.I,313; cp. samaṅgi (-bhūta). --jāta “the distinguishing member”,i. e. sign of male or female (see above 3); membrum virile and muliebre Vin.I,191 (of cows); III,20,37,205; J.II,359; Miln.124. --paccaṅga one limb or the other,limbs great and small M.I,81; J VI--20,used (a) collectively:the condition of perfect limbs,or adj. with perfect limbs,having all limbs Pv.II,1212 (= paripuṇṇa-sabbaṅga-paccaṅgavatī PvA.158); SnA 383; DhA.I,390; ThA.288; Sdhp.83 fig. rathassa aṅgapaccaṅgan M.I,395; sabbaṅga-paccaṅgāni all limbs Miln.148. -- (b) distributively (cp. similar redupl. formations like chiddâvachidda,seṭṭhânu-seṭṭhi,khaṇḍākhaṇḍa,cuṇṇavicuṇṇa) limb after limb,one limb after the other (like aṅgamaṅgāni above 1),piecemeal M.I,133 (°e daseyya),366; J.I,20; IV,324 (chinditvā). --paccaṅgatā the condition or state of perfect limbs,i. e. a perfect body VvA.134 (suvisuddh°). --paccaṅgin having all limbs (perfect) D.I,34 (sabbaṅga-peccaṅgī); PvA.189. --rāga painting or rouging the body Vin.II,107 (+ mukha°). --laṭṭhi sprout,offshoot ThA.226. --vāta gout Vin.I,205. --vijjā the art of prognosticating from marks on the body,chiromantics,palmistry etc. (cp. above 3) D.I,9 (see expl. at DA.I,93); J.I,290 (°āya cheka clever in fortune-telling); °ânubhāva the power of knowing the art of signs on the body J.II,200; V,284; °pāṭhaka one who in versed in palmistry etc. J.II,21,250; V,458. --vekalla bodily deformity DhA.II,26. --sattha the science of prognosticating from certain bodily marks DA.I,92. --sambhāra the combination of parts Miln.28 = S.I,135; Miln.41. --hetuka a species of wild birds,living in forests J.VI,538. =====Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)===== **aṅga**_1 [agt. aṅg] n. membre; partie du corps; le corps en entier; la personne, la forme | partie, portion, subdivision; annexe | phil. l'une des 6 disciplines annexes du Veda; cf. vedāṅga | math. (par ext.) symb. le nombre 6 | phil. une des 5 subdivisions de l'évocation [mantra]; on distingue: les moyens de l'initialisation [karmaṇāmārambhopāya], l'équipement en hommes et en matériels [puruṣadravyasmapad], la distribution de l'espace et du temps [deśakālavibhāga], la réaction au désastre [vipattipratīkāra] et le succès [kāryasiddhi] | phil. l'une des 8 pratiques du rājayoga; cf. aṣṭāṅgayoga | jn. l'un des 12 chapitres du canon jaina: ācārāṅga la discipline monastique, sūtrakṛtāṅga la réfutation des arguments hérétiques, sthānāṅga l'ensemble des 10 sujets doctrinaux, samavāyāṅga le développement de ceux-ci, vyākhyāprajñapti (ou Bhagavatī_1) les légendes et dialogues concernant le dogme, nyāyadharmakathā série d'apologues et de sermons divers, upāsakadaśā biographies de disciples laïcs, antakṛddaśā biographies des saints, anuttaropapātikadaśā vies des êtres célestes parfaits, praśnavyākaraṇa questionnements sur les vertus et les fautes, vipākaśruta les conséquences des actes bons et mauvais, et dṛṣṭivāda recueil de différentes doctrines | gram. radical, thème (fort), base de flexion (forme non infléchie) | mus. subdivision d'un rythme [tala]; il y en a 3: léger [laghu] (une frappe de l'instrument et un comptage avec les doigts), accompagné [druta] (une frappe et une onde) et court [anudruta] (une frappe) — m. géo. np. de l'Aṅga, région du sud du Bihāra, vassale du Magadha; sa capitale était Campā | pl. aṅgās géo. le Bengale; ses habitants, les Aṅgās | myth. np. du roi Aṅga_1 du Bengale, fils de Dīrghatamā et Sudeṣṇā — ifc. annexe de, partie de | gram. auxiliaire à; causé par (cf. antaraṅga, bahiraṅga) — a. m. n. f. aṅgā subdivisé | contigu.\\ \\ **aṅg** v. [1] pr. (aṅgati) aller, se déplacer — ca. (aṅgayati) marquer.