====== akkosati ====== ===== akkosati ===== //verbe// : **appeler en criant**, **insulter**, injurier, réprimander * conjugaison : [[conjugaisons|1ère conjugaison]] * étymologie : skt. [[a|ā]] + //kruś// ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids & William Stede=== **akkosati** [to krus see akkosa] to scold, swear at, abuse, revile J i.191; ii.416; iii.27; DhA i.211; ii.44. Often combd with paribhāsati, e. g. Vin ii.296; DhA iv.2; PvA 10. — aor. **akkocchi** Dh 3; J iii.212 (= akkosi DhA i.43. Der. wrongly fr. krudh by Kacc. vi.417; cp. Franke, Einh. Pāli-gramm. 37, and Geiger, P. Gr. § 164). — pp. **akkuṭṭha** (q. v.). ===A Dictionary of pāli, Margaret Cone=== **akkosati** (and **akkoseti**, **~ayati**), pr. 3 sg. [S. ākrogati], scolds, abuses, curses, reviles (usually + acc., occasionally + gen.) ; part.pr. (a) neg. anakkosa(t), (b) **akkosanta** — neg. anakkosanta, (c) **akkosenta** ; — aor. 3 sg.(a) **akkocchi**, (b) **akkosi**, 3 pl. **akkosimsu** ; — absol. (a) **akkositvā**, (b) **akkositvāna**, (c) **akkosayitvāna**, (d) **akkosetvā** — pass, part.pr. **akkosiyamāna** — pp (a) **akkuttha**, (b) **akkosita** — fpp **akkositabba** — caus. aor. 3sg. **akkosāpesi** — absol. **akkosāpetvā** — pp **akkosāpita**. ===Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)=== **ākruś** [ā-kruś] v. [1] pr. (ākrośati) pp. (ākruṣṭa) appeler en criant ; injurier, maudire.