====== agacchati ====== ===== āgacchati ===== //verbe// : **aller** (vers...), s'approcher de, arriver... * conjugaison : [voir ci-dessous] * étymologie : [[a|ā]] + [[gacchati|gacchati]] ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede=== **āgacchati** [//ā// + //gacchati// <= //gam//] to come to or towards,approach,go back,arive etc. I. Forms (same arrangement as under //gacchati//):(1) **√//gacch//** : pres. **āgacchati** D.I,161; J.II,153; Pv IV.151; fut. **āgacchissati** J.III,53; aor. **āgacchi** Pv.II,133; PvA.64. -- (2) **√//gam//** : aor. **āgamāsi** PvA.81,āgamā D.I,108; J.III,128,and pl. **āgamiṁsu** J.I,118; fut. **āgamissati** VvA.3; PvA.122 ; ger. **āgamma** (q. v.) & **āgantvā** J.I,151; Miln.14; Caus. **āgameti** (q. v.). -- (3) **√//gā//** : aor. **āgā** Sn.841; Pv.I,123 (= āgacchi PvA.64). -- pp. **āgata** (q. v.). II. Meanings:(1) to come to,approach,arrive D.I,108; Pv.I,113; II,133; Miln.14; to return,to come back (cp. āgata) PvA.81,122. -- (2) to come into,to result,deserve (cp. āgama2) D.I,161 (gārayhaṁ ṭhānaṁ deserve blame,come to be blamed); Pv IV.151 (get to,be a profit to = upakappati PvA.241). -- (3) to come by,to come out to (be understood as),to refer or be referred to,to be meant or understood (cp. āgata 3 & āgama 3) J.I,118 (tīṇi piṭakāni āgamiṁsu); SnA 321; VvA.3. See also āgamma. (Page 94) ===Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)=== **āgam** [ā-gam] v. [1] pr. (āgacchati) pp. (āgata) pf. (abhi, upa, prati, sam) arriver à ou dans; venir de | aller vers; survenir, se produire | avoir recours à; tomber dans, encourir. ==== conjugaison ==== ==présent== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.|āgacchati|āgacchanti| ^2e pers.|āgacchasi| āgacchatha| ^1ère pers.|āgacchāmi|āgacchāma| ==Impératif== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.|āgacchatu|āgacchantu| ^2e pers.|āgaccha|āgacchatha| ^1ère pers.|āgacchāmi|āgacchāma| ==Optatif== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.|āgaccheyya|āgaccheyyuṃ| ^2e pers.|āgaccheyyāsi|āgaccheyyātha| ^1ère pers.|āgaccheyyaṃ / āgaccheyyāmi|āgaccheyyāma| ==Futur== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.|āgacchissati|āgacchissanti| ^2e pers.|āgacchissasi|āgacchissatha| ^1ère pers.|āgacchissāmi|āgacchissāma| ==Conditionnel== | ^sing.^pl.^ ^3e pers.|āgacchissa / āgacchissā|āgacchissaṃsu| ^2e pers.|āgacchissa|āgacchissatha| ^1ère pers.|āgacchissaṃ|āgacchissāma|