====== abhikkhana ====== ===== abhikkhaṇa / abhikkhaṇaṃ ===== **(1)** //adjectif// : **déterré** * déclinaison : [[declinaison_noms|thème en -a]] * étymologie : [[abhi|abhi-]] + [[khanati|khaṇati]] **(2)** //adverbe// (neutre) : **constamment**, de manière répétée, souvent * n'est employé que sous la forme d'un accusatif adverbial **abhikkhaṇaṃ**, sous la forme contractée **abhiṇhaṃ** * étymologie : [[abhi|abhi-]] + [[ikkhana|ikkhaṇa]] ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede=== **(1) abhikkhaṇa** (nt.) [fr. abhikkhanati] digging up of the ground M.I,143.\\ \\ **(2) abhikkhaṇa** (nt.) [abhi + *ikkhaṇa from īkṣ,cp. Sk. abhīkṣṇa of which the contracted form is P. abhiṇha] only as Acc. adv. °ṃ constantly,repeated,often Vv 2412 (= abhiṇhaṁ VvA.116); Pv.II,84 (= abhiṇhaṁ bahuso PvA.107); Pug.31; DhA.II,91.