====== a ====== ===== a- / an- ===== //préfixe// (invariable) privatif ou négatif : **absence de...**, sans..., non... ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede=== **a-** (**an-** before vowels) [Vedic a-,an-; Idg. * n̊,gradation form to *ne (see na2); Gr. a),a)n-; Lat. *en-,in-; Goth.,Ohg. & Ags. un-; Oir. an-,in-] neg. part. prefixed to (1) nouns and adjectives; (2) verbal forms,used like (1),whether part.,ger.,grd. or inf.; (3) finite verbal forms. In compn. with words having originally two initial cons. the latter reappear in their assimilated form (e. g. appaṭicchavin). In meaning it equals na-, nir- and vi-. Often we find it opp. to sa-. Verbal negatives which occur in specific verb. function will be enumd. separately,while examples of neg. form. of (1) & (2) are given under their positive form unless the neg. involves a distinctly new concept,or if its form is likely to lead to confusion or misunderstanding. -- Concerning the combining & contrasting (orig. neg.) --a- (â) in redupl. formations like bhavâ-bhava see ā4. ===Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)=== **a-** ou **an-** pf. privatif ou négatif ; forme des substantifs composés ; (rare) devant une forme verbale, donne un sens de blâme || gr. //α//, //αν// ; lat. //in// ; ang. //un// ; fr. //a//, //an//. ===== ā- ===== //préfixe// (invariable) *directionnel : **en avant**, en dehors, vers, sur *il marque un rapport personnel ou de contact à l'objet ou au but de l'action exprimée par le verbe *intensif (accumulation ou variété) : **beaucoup de...** ===Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede=== **ā** - 1 (indecl.) [Vedic ā, prep. with acc., loc., abl., meaning "to, towards", & also "from". Orig. an emphatic -- deictic part. (Idg. *ē) = Gr. h)_ surely, really; Ohg. -- ā etc., increment of a (Idg. *e), as in Sk. a -- sau; Gr. e\kei_ (cp. a3), see Brugmann, Kurze Vergl. Gr. 464, 465] a frequent prefix, used as well -- defined simple base -- prefix (with rootderivations), but not as modification (i. e. first part of a double prefix cpd. like sam -- ā -- dhi) except in one case ā -- ni -- saŋsa (which is doubtful & of diff. origin, viz. from combn. āsaŋsa -- nisaŋsa, see below 3b). It denotes either touch (contact) or a personal (close) relation to the object (ā ti anussaraṇɔ atthe nipāto PvA 165), or the aim of the action expressed in the verb. -- (1.) As prep. c. abl. only in J in meaning "up to, until, about, near" J vi.192 (ā sahassehi = yāva s. C.), prob. a late development. As pref. in meaning "forth, out, to, towards, at, on" in foll. applications: -- (a) aim in general or touch in particular (lit.), e. g. ākaḍḍhati pull to, along or up; ˚kāsa shining forth; ˚koṭeti knock at; ˚gacchati go towards; ˚camati rinse over; ˚neti bring towards, ad -- duce; ˚bhā shining forth; ˚bhujati bend in; ˚masati touch at; ˚yata stretched out; ˚rabhati at -- tempt; ˚rohana a -- scending; ˚laya hanging on; ˚loketi look at; ˚vattati ad -- vert; ˚vahati bring to; ˚vāsa dwelling at; ˚sādeti touch; ˚sīdati sit by; ˚hanati strike at. -- (b) in reflexive function: close relation to subject or person actively concerned, e. g. ādāti take on or up (to oneself); ˚dāsa looking at, mirror; ˚dhāra support; ˚nandati rejoice; ˚nisaŋsa subjective gain; ˚bādha being affected; ˚modita pleased; ˚rakkha guarding; ˚rādhita satisfied; ˚rāma (personal) delight in; ˚lingati embrace (to oneself); ˚hāra taking to (oneself). -- (c ) in transitive function: close relation to the object passively concerned, e. g. āghātana killing; ˚carati indulge in; ˚cikkhati point ont, explain; ˚jīva living on; ˚ṇāpeti give an order to somebody; ˚disati point out to some one; ˚bhindati cut; ˚manteti ad -- dress; ˚yācati pray to; ˚roceti speak to; siñcati besprinkle; ˚sevati indulge in. -- (d) out of meaning (a) develops that of an intensive -- frequentative prefix in sense of "all -- round, completely, very much", e. g. ākiṇṇa strewn all over, ˚kula mixed up; ˚dhuta moved about; ˚rāva shouting out or very much; ˚luḷati move about; ˚hiṇḍati roam about. -- 2. Affinities. Closely related in meaning and often interchanging are the foll. prep. (prefixes): anu (˚bhati), abhi (˚saŋsati), pa (˚tapati), paṭi (˚kankhati) in meaning 1 a -- c; and vi (˚kirati, ˚ghāta, ˚cameti, ˚lepa, ˚lopa), sam (˚tapati, ˚dassati) in meaning 1 d. See also 3b. -- 3. Combinations: (a) Intensifying combns. of other modifying prefixes with ā as base: anu + ā (anvā -- gacchati, ˚disati, ˚maddati, ˚rohati, ˚visati, ˚sanna, ˚hata), paṭi + ā (paccā -- janati, ˚ttharati, ˚dāti, ˚savati), pari + ā (pariyā -- ñāta, ˚dāti, ˚pajjati, ˚harati), sam + ā (samā -- disati, ˚dāna, ˚dhi, ˚pajjati, ˚rabhati). -- (b) Contrast -- combns. with other pref. in a double cpd. of noun, adj. or verb (cp. above 2) in meaning of "up & down, in & out, to & fro"; ā + ni: āvedhika -- nibbedhika, āsaŋsa -- nisaŋsa (contracted to ānisaŋsa), āsevita -- nisevita; ā + pa: assasatipassasati (where both terms are semantically alike; in exegesis however they have been differentiated in a way which looks like a distortion of the original meaning, viz. assasati is taken as "breathing out", passasati as "breathing in": see Vism 271), assāsa -- passāsa, āmoditapamodita, āhuna -- pāhuna, āhuneyya -- pāhuneyya; ā + paccā : ākoṭita -- paccākoṭita; ā + pari: ākaḍḍhana -- parikaḍḍhana, āsankita -- parisankita; ā + vi: ālokita -- vilokita, āvāha -- vivāha, āveṭhana -- viniveṭhana; a + sam: allāpa -- sallāpa: ā + samā: āciṇṇa -- samāciṇṇa. -- 4. Before double consonants ā is shortened to a and words containing ā in this form are to be found under a˚, e. g. akkamaṇa, akkhitta, acchādeti, aññāta, appoṭeti, allāpa, assāda. **ā** - 4 infix in repetition -- cpds. denoting accumulation or variety (by contrast with the opposite, cp. ā1 3b), constitutes a guṇa -- or increment -- form of neg. pref. a (see a2), as in foll.: phalâphala all sorts of fruit (lit. what is fruit & not fruit) freq. in Jātakas, e. g. i.416; ii.160; iii.127; iv.220, 307, 449; v.313; vi.520; kāraṇâkāraṇāni all sorts of duties J vi.333; DhA i.385; khaṇḍâkhaṇḍa pêle -- mêle J i.114; iii.256; gaṇḍâgaṇḍa a mass of boils DhA iii.297; cirâciraŋ continually Vin iv.261; bhavâbhava all kinds of existences Sn 801, cp. Nd1 109; Nd2 664; Th 1, 784 (˚esu = mahant -- âmahantesu bh. C., see Brethren 305); rūpârūpa the whole aggregate ThA 285; etc. ===Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)=== **ā** pf. à, vers (le locuteur) (sens réfléchi) | un peu, tirant sur (ex. ānīla bleuâtre, oṣṇa tiède) — prép. depuis ; jusqu'à, et même jusqu'à, aussi loin que — conj. de plus, et même | part. de réminiscence, de compassion ou de douleur || lat. ā.